photochemical reminiscence


2012-06-29 — The Pop Aesthetic: "The Playlist: June" by Derrick Sanskrit


Ventla is a very interesting artist from Tokyo attempting to release 100 free shortform albums in a relatively brief period of time. The first release, Magnificent for Some, hit the internet just about a year ago. Album #15, Auditory Phantom, spun its way into our headphones just two weeks ago and album #16, Ultimate Apathy, was released this morning. This is fascinating stuff, like synthetic ambient folk music. He lists the incredibly long list of tools used in recording on Ventla's various websites but on "Sanpakugan" you can clearly make out the extremely wet synth bass, melodica, and what sounds like a cheap toy xylophone and toy piano picked up at a yard sale. This track is a bit more aggressive than the rest of Ultimate Apathy, which is pleasantly in favor of laying back in a beach chair on your roof and watching the world fade away. Hey, seems like we've got a theme here! Happy Summer!