photochemical reminiscence


2013-12-16 — Impose Magazine: "The Best Cassette Releases of 2013" by Luke Carrell


Ventla's Smuggled is the number one micro pop album the year, in my opinion. With the longest track topping out at a minute and nine seconds, it's a hardcore songwriting approach to ear candy that emphasizes excerpts of abbreviations of introductions to fully realized fragments. It's 28 tracks and a thousand moments, purring, squelching, and tinkling past your head like a commercial for a good idea you haven't had yet. Gripping stuff, all around. Put it on and let it ride.

2013-10-16 — Fact Magazine: "Caught on Tape: the month’s essential cassette releases, October 2013" by Brad Rose


Orange Milk continues to be one of my favourite labels in the entire world. Their recent 4-tape batch is all very good, but Ventla's Smuggled is in a league of its own. This sucker is straight-up weird. With 28 songs, only one of which clocks in over a minute, there are a ton of different ideas presented here. Think funked-out basslines, vocoder, shiny synth leads, random samples, Japanese vocals, and then some, yet nothing seems out of place. My friend Lars described this as Dilla meets J-Pop, and that’s not too far off. Constructing an entirely new sound world, Ventla is a revelation.

Article reposted on 2013-12-02 because Smuggled is ranked Fact Magazine's ninth best cassette release of 2013.